
‘Beyond The Return’ Officially Accepting New Proposals For 2020 Events

Posted By : Collins/ 3625



‘Beyond the Return’ has announced that event proposals are being accepted for programs taking place from September through December 2020.  After last year’s successful ‘Year of Return’ campaign which included programs, events and festivals, there have been many requests for ‘Beyond the Return’ to have a platform to continue in these activities and provide new ways for the diaspora to continue to connect with Ghanaians through event programs.

“I’m really looking forward to the events this year.  Especially the ones that will give back to Ghana through initiatives that seek to serve the local communities like the commissioning of boreholes we saw last year. It will be great to see more events that highlight Ghana’s culture as part of ‘Beyond the Return’ because it will expose diasporans to the diversity and richness of Ghana’s culture and heritage,” said Annabelle McKenzie, Manager of the Beyond the Return Secretariat.

Event proposals are officially being accepted digitally and a separate form must be filled out for each event using the ‘Beyond the Return 2020 Events Submission Forms’ available at www.beyondthereturngh.com.  Hard copy submissions will not be accepted.  Event organisers should prepare to explain how their programs fit into the ‘Beyond the Return’ initiative and its ability to include both the diaspora and local Ghanaian communities.

‘Beyond the Return’ is a 10-year initiative with the theme ‘A Decade of African Renaissance’ and its foundation is built on seven pillars: Experience Ghana, Invest in Ghana, Diaspora Pathway to Ghana, Celebrate Ghana, Brand Ghana, Give Back to Ghana and Promote Pan African Heritage & Innovation. Each of the pillars is important because it represents an area that ‘Year of Return’ received feedback from the diaspora and the local Ghanaian community on ways to strengthen engagement between our communities.  It’s also the opportunity to create programs and events that represent each pillar. The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is coordinating the project under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture. Other collaborating organisations are the Office of Diaspora Affairs at the office of the President, the Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC) and the Ghana Tourism Development Company.

To learn more about ‘Beyond the Return’ please visit the website  www.beyobdthereturngh.com. Please send questions and comments to support@beyondthereturngh.com and you can also follow on social media @beyondthereturn.

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