
Earth Rights Ghana, GTA To Host Conference On COVID And Tourism

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Earth Rights Ghana in partnership with Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) will on August 25, 2021 organise a one-day conference to review the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on travel and tourism in Accra.

The conference will be held at the Accra Tourist Information Centre for a limited number of specially invited key industry stakeholders.

On the theme, “Sustaining Tourism Beyond Covid 19”, it will provide opportunity for the industry to brainstorm strategies for the way forward.

It will be will be Zoomed live for virtual participation, especially by tourism authorities from other West African countries.

There will be presentations on the theme by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, as policy makers, Ghana Tourism Authority, the regulator, the aviation and national revenue authorities, and the private sector, represented by the Ghana Tourism Federation and the Ghana Hotels Association.

Earth Rights is a not-for-profit non-governmental organisation working in the tourism sector to ensure compliance with sustainable/responsible tourism, with particular emphasis on protecting the rights of eco-systems through eco-labeling.



  • Arrival of Guests
  • Welcome and Introductions – Dr. Nana Baa Wiredu, Moderator General
  • Why Are We Here – Mr. Enimil Ashon, President of Earth Rights Ghana
  • Statement by Ghana Tourism Authority
  • Address by Honourable Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture


  1. Presentation by GHATOF – Mr. Kwesi Eyison
  2. Presentation by Ghana Tourism Development Project (GTDP) – Dr. Gabriel Eshun
  3. Presentation by Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)
  4. Presentation by Environmental Protection Agency – Mrs. Cindy Baidoo





  1. Robert Mensah, GM- Eusbett Hotel, Sunyani
  2. Richard Kilson, Board Chair, Kingdom Corporate Ltd, (Boti Falls)
  3. Dr Ackah Nyameke, President of Ghana Hotels Association

Moderator: Mr. Alfred Asumadu (Deputy Marketing Director, GTA)





  1. George Tweneboa Kodua Kankam, Ag. Director, Tourism – Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture
  2. Peter Dery, Director Environment, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)
  3. Kwame Amaoh Baah-Nuakoh, GM, Sustainability and Stakeholder Relations, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)\
  4. Winnie Sowah, Dept. of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Univ. of Ghana


Moderator: Dr Lailah Akita Dept. of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Univ. of Ghana


  • Questions & Answers (Q&A)
  • Making of Accra Declaration
  • Rapporteur General’s Report
  • Vote of Thanks & Closing Prayer





Given the international travel bans that have affected more than 90 per cent of the global population and widespread restrictions on public gatherings and community mobility, tourism largely ceased in March 2020. The pandemic has significantly impacted every sector of the travel and tourism industry, namely airlines, transportation, hotels, restaurants, attractions, such as national parks, protected areas and cultural heritage sites, travel agencies and tour operators.

Figures released by the World Travel and Tourism Council indicate that the direct, indirect and induced impact of travel and tourism industry accounted for 10.3% of the global GDP (US$ 8.9 trillion) and 330 million jobs, or one in 10 jobs globally.



As the tourist sector gets ready for revival, Ghana’s new Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture has set an ambitious target of increasing tourism earnings to US$5 billion. Among effective indicators for the realization of this dream are a sound tourism infrastructure and the potential of tourism destinations to grow through the adoption of public policies or private initiatives.

Ghana Tourism Authority educates Ghanaians with Stay Safe, Know Ghana initiative

Against this backdrop, Earth Rights Ghana proposes that the government’s ambitious target will be realized only on the back of thorough and effective planning by policy makers, regulators, practitioners and other stakeholders; hence, the proposed one day conference.