Ghanaian Food #EatGhana


“Hausa Koko / Millet Porridge”

Hausa Koko is a popular name and it is recommended by nutritionists. It combines perfectly with bread, Kose, Pinkaso, groundnut etc.
It is millet porridge and Ghanaian street food commonly eaten as a breakfast meal. (Some also enjoy it as a late afternoon meal though). It is called Hausa Koko because of its popularity in the northern parts of Ghana where it is believed to have been first made by the Hausa speaking people. It is made from millet with a few local spices added to give it a particular taste and colour. The ingredient used in preparing Hausa Koko includes Millet, Ginger, Cloves, Ground dried pepper, Black peppercorn Pinch salt and pepper. It is usually accompanied by a Ghanaian fried bean bun called Kose or spicy fried flour dumpling called Pinkaso. Some also prefer the Hausa Koko with bread or buffloaf (bofrot/toogb33). Hausa Koko is a breakfast mostly sold on the Ghanaian street. It’s eaten with sugar, milk and preferably groundnuts to give it a delicious taste with the Kose has an accompaniment. This breakfast is even recommended by doctors for recuperating patients. they are usually served with Hausa Koko and Kose which is easy to drink and digest.
There are numerous benefits of Hausa Koko and Kose. Millet flour from which Hausa Koko is made contains vital nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, tryptophan, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B, as well as antioxidants, while beans from which Kose is made contains iron and proteins. Even though there is a lot of breakfast meals currently available all those who have stuck to the good old Hausa Koko and Kose know nothing can be compared to it.


“Gari Fortor”

It is a meal made up of a combination of mashed Gari (a coarse, granular flour of varying textures, which is made from cassava, a starchy root tuber) and sauce. Today our focus is on Gari Fortor. Fortor in Ewe means to mash up or mix together and that’s exactly what Gari Fortor looks like.
Gari Fortor can be served as a main dish mixed with vegetables or with fried eggs, meat, fish and other protein. The Gari may either be prepared with water or oil from accompanying sauce to make it tasty. Gari Fortor may be used as an accompaniment for other meals such as Rice, Waakye or Jollof.
It is a simple but delicious recipe, perfect for those days when you want something quick and easy but you don’t want to compromise on flavor. Various ingredients can be used in preparing it. Tell us how you like your Gari Fotor in the comments section.
For most High School Students, mixing dry Gari with ‘shito’ (spicy black peper sauce) to make ‘Gari Fotor’ is a huge delicacy across Ghana.


A popular traditional family meal which is mostly eaten in a group. Ampesi or Abom is any meal of either boiled yam, plantain, cocoyam, or a mix of any two or all of the above served with sauce be it gravy, Kontomire, garden egg stew or thick palm nut soup. The ingredients used in preparing Ampesi are cocoyam or yam or plantain or cassava. Also, the ingredients used in preparing the stew includes eggs, meat or fish preferably ‘koobi’ which is salted dry tilapia, tomatoes, onions, palm oil (zomi), pear. Normally, ‘agushi’, kontomire or garden eggs can be added depending on the particular sauce you intend preparing.
One interesting fact about Ampesi is the communal eating memories it comes with. Mostly Ampesi unites the family and that is where you will notice the power of the head of the family which is the Father who properly allocates the resources especially fish to satisfy all. Ampesi is best eaten in an earthenware bowl known as Asanka or Aportoryiwa.
Usually, the family sits around the Asanka to enjoy the meal.


“Agbeli Kaklo” or “Bankye Kakro”

It is a simple street snack known as “Agbeli Kaklo” or “Bankye Kakro” to others. It is one of Ghana’s favourite savoury snacks and has a banging texture and crunch. It is best eaten when hot.
This crunchy Ghanaian snack made with cassava and onion is the simplest snack you can make at home and enjoy with the family. In a mesh cloth, add cassava, wrap it up and squeeze out the moisture. In a bowl, add the dried cassava, onion and salt. You may add other spices if you feel like experimenting. Mix well and mould into balls. Deep fry the balls in vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve the Agbeli Kaklo with dried coconut or with sauce.
Have you had a taste of our Agbeli Kaklo yet? If no then What are you waiting for?
This street snack will leave you wanting more. always…



This week on our #EatGhana month series we bring you locally made beverages. Today we explore a drink which is mostly enjoyed by the southern part of Ghana. It is referred to as Alewonyo by the Asantes and Liha or Aliha (corn drink) by the Ewes. The poplar name most people call it is ‘Asana’.
The name is believed to have come from the Ga word “Asaana” meaning ‘we are tasting’ or “Asanaa” meaning we have tasted. Asana (corn beer drink) is a popular caramelized corn drink made from fermented corn and caramelized sugar in Ghana with a refreshing taste. It is Stored in big calabashes with huge ice-cubes in it and served with ice cubes and for some with evaporated milk. Chilled Asana can be enjoyed with or without bread. Several health benefits are attributable to Asana which includes prevention of digestive ailments like constipation. It also prevents blood pressure and neural-tube defects at birth.
It is said to contain minerals such as iron, zinc and much more essential for regulating normal growth, bone health and optimal kidney functioning among others. Let’s stay home and enjoy our favourite Ghanaian drink.
When was the last time you tasted some?


Pito is a local beverage made from fermented carbohydrate-rich cereal crops such as millet, sorghum, guinea corn, or maize. This locally brewed beverage is mostly found in northern Ghana. It is brewed in many different styles thus offering many different tastes.
It begins with the milling of sorghum or millet into powder; then the powder is mixed with water and stirred thoroughly and left to settle. A process of boiling, sieving, fermentation for 24 hours. Boiling and straining follow to separate the solid substance from the liquid. Pito is then ready for consumption after the liquid cools down.
Pito is typically served in a calabash either warm or cold. Warm Pito gets its heat from the fermentation process. It can also be served as an alcoholic beverage when yeast is added and also as a non-alcoholic beverage without yeast. It can also be served chilled.
Traditionally, Pito is usually not bottled or canned, and as a rule, which is; it is purchased directly from the household in which it is brewed. Even though some people still insist on buying pito in the pots and drinking from calabashes, the trend is gradually changing to storing it in gallons and consuming from plastic cups. Pito brewing serves as an important source of income for otherwise cash-poor households in rural areas.
Like most Ghanaian beverages, Pito plays an important role when it comes to occasions such as marriages, naming and burial ceremonies.

“Otinshi nu”

It is one meal taken by most Ga-Adangbe’s in the evenings after hot kenkey is prepared for sale. It is usually enjoyed with sugar and groundnuts and if you have lived near a kenkey house you can attest to the mad rush for it. Many have attested to its medicinal capabilities (curing fever after being taken for two to 3-days).
What we are exploring today is ‘Otimshinu’, which is popularly known as ‘Ntinshinu’ among the Gas. It is the residue of Kenkey water, that is after the kenkey (in husk) is cooked or boiled, the water and residue at the bottom of the pot.
Kenkey in Ga was originally called Otim, which later metamorphosed to Kormi.
Otimshinu/Ntinshinu also known as kenkey water is not Koko neither is it ice kenkey but it is the liquid derived from steaming/cooking Ga kenkey. So from the history above you can understand why the ‘juice’ from the Kenkey is called “Otimshinu”. ‘Otim shishi nu’ is a Ga word which literally means ‘water kenkey under ’ implying the residue from the cooked kenkey and the hot water hence the name was shortened to Otimshinu. Among the Gas, it is believed to be medicinal. Medicinally, you drink it hot with no additives but for pleasure, add sugar, groundnuts and maybe milk. Whenever you find yourself in a Ga community or you cook kenkey at home, don’t forget to have a feel of the refreshing Otimshinu.
Stay safe and enjoy healthy made in Ghana beverages.

“Mma Da / Corn wine”

‘Nma da’ but which most people now refer to as ‘Nm3daa’. Nma da is a Ga word which literally means food wine but throughout the history of Ga’s anytime Nma is mentioned the word it stands for is corn/maize. The true meaning of ‘Nma da’ is ‘corn wine’.
It is no secret that Ga-Adangme’s have corn as one of their main staple foods. Little wonder the beverage is made out of it. However, with time this has been corrupted to Nmeda/nm3da which would translate to ‘nut wine’. Nmada is made traditionally Associated with the Ga-Adangbes. The production of Nmada is similar to Asana where there is boiling of corn sprouts with added sugar and a bit of salt which gives an interesting sweet and sour taste with the sweet taste being more noticeable.
The difference between Asana and Nmada is; the addition of salt and also the reduced sugar content in Nmada. No wonder most people have the belief that Nmada is healthier than Asana. Nmada is not popular as compared to Asana. It is usually served during traditional weddings, naming ceremonies and funerals. It’s a common sight to see traditional rulers drink Nmada in calabashes at these events. It is also commonly served at funerals.
Unlike Asana, ice cubes cannot be added to Nmada. It waters the drink down to an unpleasant level. The best way to drink Nmada is to bottle it and keep it on ice or in the fridge. The taste of Nmada can be compared to Malt drink. That is the main reason it is called the traditional malt. Nmada is very healthy and has numerous benefit just like Asana.
Have you tried Nmada? If yes which do you prefer? Nmada or Asana?


“Kpekple” or “Kpokpoi”

Kpekple is prepared with the primary ingredients of steamed and fermented corn meal, okro, onion and zomi (palm oil) and it enjoyed with palm nut soup and smoked fish. The fish which is normally use is tsile. Kpekple is usually sprinkled around by the chief during the festival believing that the ancestors would be pleased by the offering.
One interesting fact about the Kpekple which is most people’s favourite is what is normally done to the Kpokpoi after the day it was prepared. It is fried till it becomes crunchy like gari. which is also enjoyed with palm nut soup. Follow us during this eat Ghana month as we bring you the detailed recipe in preparing Kpokpoi.

“3to / Eto”

This simple dish called ‘Eto’ which can be prepared with yam – which is more popular (‘bayer3 to’ – mashed yam) or plantain (‘Kokoo to’ – mashed riped plantain). ‘Eto’ is prepared for people mostly on special days such as birthdays as it is not a regular household meal. Share your experience with Eto if you have ever tasted it. Ingredients, recipe and photo are courtesy: @recipespluss the wooden Apotoyewa is used in making eto (ɛto) where it is also served. Ingredients: 3 medium-sized riped plantain 1 medium-sized onion Pepper Salt to taste 2 tablespoon palm oil (You may include other preferred spices) Garnishing Avocado Groundnut Boiled eggs Recipe: Put a pot of water and bring to boil Peel and cook in boiling water for about 15mins In an earthenware bowl grind onion, pepper and add salt to taste Add the boiled riped plantain, mash and mix with spices Add palm oil and mix Garnish and serve Ingredients and recipe courtesy: @recipespluss


Aprapransa is a local dish of the people from the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. It is basically made from roasted corn flour, cooked beans together with other ingredients (onion, tomatoes, fermented salted fish, smoked fish, palm oil, pepper, salt and crab).
It’s a food that is served on special occasions and is feared to be going extinct. Aprapransa isn’t a regular household meal. It is typically served by people at exceptional events, such as marriage ceremonies, naming, birthday festivities and other special family gatherings. It is usually served into a bowl and garnished with crabs.



“Wrewre Nkwan”

Did you know that Ghanaians have a soup similar to groundnut (peanut butter) soup but is not made with nut? Today on Eat Ghana month, we explore one of Ghana’s best but uncommon soup known as ‘Wrewre Nkwan’.
WreWre (Muskmelon or Cantaloupe seeds) soup is a soup made from a type of melon seeds called ‘Wre wre’. Apparently, the only edible part of this type of melon is its seeds. Wonderfully, these seeds when toasted are so nutty and the milk extracted from it makes light silky, nutty, nutritious and delicious soup. It is rich in Vitamin A, C, Folic acid and potassium to mention but a few nutritional contents. It has no fat, cholesterol or saturated fat and helps boost one’s immune system especially during the cold months.
The taste is similar to Groundnut or Peanut butter soup however, it has a slightly delicate nutty flavour as compared to Peanuts. For a healthier soup use leaner meat, fish or seafood. If you are a groundnut soup lover but have a nut allergy or perhaps someone in your family has a nut allergy hence you can’t enjoy your favourite groundnut soup, then Wrewre is the option for you.
Wrewre is mostly enjoyed with fufu because it is associated with the Akans.
Some say Wre Wre is more delicious than groundnut soup. What do you think? Leave your comment in the comment section.


“Fante Fante”

”Fante Fante” is a local dish, which originates from the coastal Fante people of the Central region. Fante Fante is one a simple but delicious stew that is easy to prepare but also easy to mess up. Each ingredient must complement the other. It is mostly enjoyed with rice, yam, banku and kenkey. Fish is the key ingredient in preparing the stew so every other thing is just there to complement it.
The key ingredients used to prepare this meal are pepper, tomatoes, onion, red oil and fresh fish. There are several ways to prepare ‘fante fante’. It can be prepared with fried fish or fresh fish. Others also prepare it without using palm oil. Some add ground shrimp while some also steam the fish first separately with salt, water and ginger.