
GTA Trains Informal (Chop Bar and Drinking Bar) Operators in Kumasi

Posted By : Collins/ 1694

Ghana Tourism Authority takes nationwide training for informal sector operators to Kumasi, Ashanti region.

Ninety-two operators from within the Kumasi vicinity participated in today’s sensitisation which covered areas such as food hygiene, food safety laws, tourism Levy payment via partner banks Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG), Agricultural Development Bank and telco MTN Ghana

On the day also, CBG in partnership with MTN Ghana outdoored the Mobile Money platform has been for remittance of Tourism Levy into the Tourism Development Fund. All our informal sector operators should kindly follow the instructions on the photos.

For the Ghana Tourism Authority regards the informal sector comprising the chop bar, drinking bar operators, food vendors and snack bar operators as key players in our quest to develop the sector. The program was held at the Public Service Workers Union Centre.

The training and Sensitisation is expected to continue in Sunyani and on Wednesday, September 11, 2019.