
Runway Ghana Fashion Showcase Promotes Local Designers to the World

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The fourth edition of the Runway Ghana Fashion Showcase is an official ‘Beyond the Return’ endorsed event and plans to showcase some of Ghana’s best talents in the fashion and creative industry. 


The event takes place on December 19, 2020 at The Gold Coast Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge. The event begins with an exhibition at 3pm featuring creative designs and arts for sale before the runway showcase from 5-7pm that features the latest fashion collections from Ghanaian designers.  There will also be live band performances for all attendees to enjoy. 


‘Beyond the Return’ is a 10-year initiative with the theme ‘A decade of African Renaissance’ and its built on the foundation of seven Pillars. Including ‘Experience Ghana’, ‘Celebrate Ghana’ and ‘Invest in Ghana’, which the fashion showcase falls in line with. “It was important for us to team up with Beyond the Return because we believe in the 10-year program campaign and we think it’s an opportunity and medium for us to reach out to our diaspora brothers to remind them of our culture through fashion, art and music.” said the CEO of Runway Ghana, Wisdom Akwesi Ababio. 


Inspired to reach the world through fashion, he said it was important to promote Ghanaian and African fashion which helps to showcase local designers and models to the world. The hope is this builds a sustainable fashion industry with investors. 


The event will also feature an exhibition where designers and artists can sell their products before the runway show kicks off in the evening. Tickets are available at The Gold Coast Restaurant & Cocktail Bar and at Cookers Delight. You can also call the Ticket Hotline on 055 199 9990 to get yours. 


Visit their website www.runwayghana.com to stay up to date on designers and other upcoming programs. 

By Ivy Prosper