Press Release – GTA Accra City Tour Coach Begins Operations

Posted By : Collins/ 2042

AUGUST 22, 2021, ACCRA



The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is collaborating with the Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA) to package City Tours using the Double Decker City Tour Coach for the general public. The tour begins every day from the Accra Tourist Information Centre (ATIC) through the approved routes and back.

The Double Decker Coach, aka (Aunty Deede) which was out-doored during the launch of the Domestic and Regional Tourism Campaign to promote domestic tourism, is opened to the general public from Monday to Sunday at 9am – 11am and 1pm – 3pm at the following rates:

  • Adult – GH¢ 60.00
  • SHS/Tertiary – GH¢ 30.00
  • Basic students – GH¢ 20.00
  • Hiring – GH¢ 3000.00 every two hours on the approved routes.
    payments can be made through GTA Merchant Number: 607442

This is part of the numerous initiatives such as See Ghana, Eat Ghana, Wear Ghana, Feel Ghana, Stay home know Ghana, Ghana Gurus E-Learning platform, Stay Home Discover Ghana and Travel, See, Snap and Win Campaigns that has been put together by the Ghana Tourism Authority to promote domestic tourism, through culture and creative arts.

A promotional tour was organised with media practitioners and other tourism stakeholders to map out routes for the bus, create awareness and encourage Ghanaian to #ExperienceGhana and #ShareGhana.

The Accra City Tour will expose both Ghanaians and Internationals to historical and cultural sites as well as iconic structures and places within the Metropolis, and subsequently extended to the Regional Capitals of the country accordingly.


For further information and booking, please contact the following: 0307007100/ 02415777757/ 0243146864.

N.B: kindly indicate what you are paying for when you book.

Thank you.