
The Local Take Talks African Repatriation: Jamestown2Jamestown with Diallo Sumbry

Posted By : Collins/ 1287

This Saturday morning at 8 am on WCLK’s The Local Take, I speak with Diallo Sumbry, President and CEO of the Adinkra Group and the first African-American Ambassador of Tourism for Ghana.  Diallo Sumbry is sharing information about the “Year of The Return” announced at the 73rd United National General Assembly by Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo. This year, 2019, marks 400 years since the enslavement of African-Americans in the United States of America.

The Jamestown2Jamestown commemoration will start in Jamestown, Virginia and travel to Jamestown, Accra, in Ghana.  This is event is supported by the NAACP and the Ghanaian government.  Diallo Sumbry explains why this commemoration is needed.

We also talk about the many African-Americans who are repatriating back to Ghana and what interested people should do to make this move a success.

Diallo speaks to putting your foot into the waters of Jamestown, Virginia, then travelling to Ghana and putting your foot in the waters of Jamestown, Accra. He speaks about the biblical significance of 400 years.

For more information about the Jamestown2Jamestown commemoration

For more information about the Adinkra Group

For more information about the Year of The Return

Source: https://www.wclk.com