GTA Issues Operational Guidelines For Hospitality Sector

Posted By : Collins/ 13777

Guidelines and Protocols for the tourism and hospitality industry (food & beverage, events, tourist sites & attractions)

These protocols are issued in line with the evolving trends with regard to the COVID-19 Pandemic and are to keep visitors, employees, vendors, and the entire tourism industry value chain safe. The operational protocols are updated consistently under the operational guidance of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 and as advised by the health experts.





All facilities are to observe and ensure the following safety protocols:

  1. Display of “No Mask No Entry” signage.
  2. Mandatory checking of temperature for both guest and staff
  3. Wearing of face mask and protective wear by staff.
  4. Observe physical /social distancing.
  5. Provision of hand-washing apparatus (soap and running water with tissue). Staff and guests must wash hands regularly as they may have cleaned or touched objects or surfaces such as door handles, handrails etc. that may have been contaminated by staff or guests.
  6. Provision of alcohol-based hand sanitisers (70%) at public areas.
  7. Regular disinfection of all surfaces and public areas e.g. Floors, tables, chairs, countertops, telephones, key cards, computers, toilets etc. with bleach or alcohol-based sanitizers (70%) effective against bacteria and viruses.
  8. Proper ventilation must be maintained
  9. Regular disinfection of elevators and all touchpoints inside it must be carried out
  10. If a member of the staff reports symptoms associated with COVID 19 (respiratory, cough, fever, fatigue etc.), the worker must immediately stop work and seek medical assistance. The staff should stay isolated in a suitable room while the medical services are notified.
  11. The symptomatic worker should be provided with disposable tissues and a mask that should be worn when other persons are present or when having to go out to public areas.
  12. Staff who report from home that they are ill should be advised to stay at home and seek medical attention.
  13. Ensure that suppliers of goods and services follow safe systems of work and also have hygiene protocols in place for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.
  14. The contact information of all guests should be taken and stored.
  15. Electronic or digital payment must be encouraged if possible (e.g. MoMo, Vodafone cash, POS etc.)
  16. Each establishment must set up a task force to ensure compliance of the operational guidelines.
  17. Information of the hygiene and safety regulations shall be made available to all guests and visitors of the establishment.




All Accommodation establishments (E.g. Hotels, Guest Houses, Hostels, Serviced Apartments etc.) must operate with the following measures;

  1. Display No Masks No Entry at the gates and within the facility
  2. Mandatory checking of temperature for both guests and staff
  3. Contact information of all guests should be taken and stored.
  4. Electronic or digital payment must be encouraged if possible (e.g. MoMo, Vodafone cash, POS etc.)
  5. Observe physical distancing.
  6. Provision of soap and running water, hand sanitisers and paper towel at public areas.
  7. Dispose of used paper towel in a bin immediately.
  8. Reception desk staff, if possible, should not be older persons or persons with underlying health conditions.
  9. The reception desk should have immediately available the telephone numbers of the health authorities, medical centres, public and private hospitals, and assistance centres for use.
  10. Regular disinfection of surfaces. Where use of bleach is not suitable, e.g. telephone, remote control equipment, door handlings, buttons in the elevator, baggage etc. then alcohol based sanitiser (70%) could be used. Gloves are recommended for all housekeepers and porters.
  11. All rooms and public areas should be well ventilated.
  12. Housekeeping and cleaning staff should inform the management or the reception desk of any pertinent incidents, including possibly sick guests in their rooms. They must treat all this information with confidentiality.
  13. If a guest or staff develops symptoms of acute respiratory infection, efforts should immediately be made to minimize contact of the ill person with all guests and staff of the establishment. Reception or other hotel staff should follow precautionary procedure when a guest develops signs and symptoms indicative of COVID-19.
  14. Reduce the number of persons in elevators and service lifts at any particular time to ensure sufficient space between them when confined in lifts. Provide guidance on the suitable number of persons per lift (Maximum two persons per lift).
  15. Regular disinfection of elevators and all touch points inside it must be carried out
  16. Regular monitoring of tourism enterprises will be carried out by Ghana Tourism Authority
  17. Information of the safety protocols will be made available to all guests and visitors to the establishment.
  18. Safe disposal of waste according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service must be adhered to.
  19. Hotels must have an on-call doctor and an infirmary.


Receiving Guests

  1. Guests will have their temperatures checked every time they enter the hotel
  2. Luggage must be disinfected before check-in.
  3. Floor signs must be placed to maintain physical distancing.


Dealing With Guests In Hotels Who Test Positive With Covid-19

  1. Guest must notify the hotel management immediately in case they show any symptoms of COVID-19
  2. Hotel management must report any positive case detected to the Ministry of Health.
  3. A designated floor in every hotel (or an area within the hotel) must be allocated for the quarantine of minor, non-critical or suspected cases. (TRIAGE)
  4. Rooms occupied by guests who test positive with COVID-19, will undergo deep cleaning and disinfection.
  5. Critical cases of guests testing positive with COVID-19 must be taken to the hospital.
  6. Close contact sharing room with the positive case will undergo a free medical examination by the Ministry of Health and must adhere to all the precautionary measures.
  7. Guests testing positive with COVID-19 and wish to travel back to their country do so at their own responsibility. They should coordinate with their travel agent and adhere to all the precautionary measures outlined by the Ministry of Health.


All Food and Beverage establishments (E.g. Restaurants, Highway Rest Stops, Fast Foods, Coffee/Tea Shops, Snack Bars etc.) must operate with the following measures;

  1. Display No Masks, No Entry signage at the entrance.
  2. The temperature of every guest must be checked before entry
  3. Contact information of all guests should be taken and stored
  4. Display of poster with COVID-19 precautionary measures
  5. Electronic or digital payment must be encouraged, if possible (e.g. MoMo, Vodafone cash, POS etc.)
  6. Limit the number of guests for dining to 50% of the current-carrying capacity of the restaurant to ensure adequate spacing for seating and to maintain physical distancing of at least 1 metre.
  7. Regular disinfection of surfaces. Where use of bleach is not suitable, e.g. telephone, remote control equipment, door handlings, buttons in the elevator, etc. then alcohol-based sanitiser (70%) could be used.
  8. Provision of soap and running water and alcohol-based hand sanitisers (70%) with paper towel at public areas
  9. Buffet style of service is not recommended to limit communal handling of serving cutlery, however, served buffet is allowed and when necessary, change tongs and ladles more frequently, always leaving these items in separate containers. Clean and disinfect the buffet surfaces after each service.
  10. Fabric table cloth must be changed and thoroughly washed after each use.
  11. Guests should be reminded when entering and leaving the restaurant, breakfast, or dining room to disinfect their hands with disinfectant gel, preferably located at the entrance to those facilities.
  12. All dishes, silverware, glassware, crockery and cutlery should be washed and disinfected in a dishwashing machine, including items that have not been used, as they might have been in contact with the hands of guests or staff. In a manual process (wash, disinfect, rinse), taking the maximum level of precautions as well as drying using disposable paper towels.
  13. Parties and social events are not allowed in restaurants
  14. Kids areas must remain closed
  15. Wearing of face mask and protective wear by staff at all times.
  16. Kitchen staff must wash hands with soap and running water frequently (maximum every 20mins.) Dispose of used paper towel in a bin immediately
  17. Kitchens must be thoroughly cleaned, properly ventilated and disinfected on daily basis

Drinking Bars

All Drinking Bars shall operate with the following enhanced social distancing and hygiene measures:

  1. Display of No Masks, No entry sign at the entrance
  2. Display of poster with COVID-19 precautionary measures
  3. Limit the number of guests for seating arrangements to 50% of the current-carrying capacity of the drinking bar to ensure adequate spacing for seating to maintain social distancing of at least 1 metre (tables must have a maximum of two (2) people. Two (2) tables can be combined for a maximum of four(4)
  4. Regular disinfection of surfaces. Where use of bleach is not suitable, then alcohol-based sanitisers (70%) should be used.
  5. Provision of soap and running water and hand sanitisers with paper towel.
  6. Customers must be encouraged to pay for their orders via digital or electronic means if possible e. g. MOMO account, a POS device, Vodafone Cash with provision of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (70%) to use afterwards
  7. Drinks must be served by waiters/waitresses wearing face masks
  8. Customers must disinfect their hands when entering and leaving the drinking bar. Hand washing apparatus and/or alcohol based sanitisers (70%) must be provided at entrance/exit of bar.
  9. Use of disposable cups must be encouraged.
  10. Adequate, spacious and covid-19 friendly washrooms must be provided.



  1. Night Clubs are to remain closed until further notice.
  2. All Movie Houses are to remain closed.


Safety Measures for Recreational Areas

Swimming Pools and Beaches

  1. Regular disinfection of swimming pools must be carried out
  2. Regular disinfection of area around the pool (including tables, deck chairs, sunbeds etc.) after every use, as well as before and after operating hours. Where use of bleach is not suitable, then alcohol-based sanitisers (70%) should be used.
  3. Sunbeds must be placed 2 meter apart to ensure observation of physical distancing protocols
  4. Recreational activities at beaches and at swimming pools must be ceased until further notice.


Gymnasium and Health Clubs

  1. Regular disinfection of surfaces and all equipment. Where use of bleach is not suitable, then alcohol-based sanitisers (70%) should be used.
  2. Equipment shall be adequately spaced.
  3. Showering shall not be allowed in the gymnasium
  4. Use of Jacuzzi, sauna, steam and massage services must remain suspended





  1. Display of “No Mask No Entry” signage to ensure mandatory wearing of face mask before entry
  2. Provision of adequate hand-washing apparatus (veronica buckets, soap together with tissues and stand-alone sanitizer dispensers shall be positioned strategically at venue entrances in a manner as to prevent queueing and crowding)
  3. Strictly washing of hands before entering a site or attraction
  4. Mandatory checking of temperature of both employees and visitors with infrared thermometer before entry.
  5. Contact details of all guests shall be taken.
  6. Observing strict social distancing of not less than 1 metre. Patrons in a queue must maintain a distance of at least 1 metre apart. This must be clearly marked on the floor.
  7. Use of POS devices or digital payments mode must be encouraged if possible (e.g. MOMO, Vodafone cash etc.)
  8. Time must be allocated before start of the tour to educate guests on the danger of Covid-19 and the need to observe all social protocols.
  9. Display the telephone numbers of the health authorities, medical centres, public and private hospitals, and assistance centres for use at the front office.
  10. 50% maximum carrying capacity of all sites. That is, if the carrying capacity of the site is 100 people, then 50 would be allowed at a time.
  11. Floor signs must be placed to maintain physical distancing
  12. Provision of designated isolation areas in their facilities
  13. Provision of soap and running water and alcohol-based hand sanitizers/disinfectant gels with paper towel at public place of convenient (toilets and wash rooms)
  14. There should be a designated health and safety person at the sites
  15. Venues will have to ensure or arrange for uninterrupted supply of services such as water.
  16. Disinfect all surfaces e.g. floors, tables, chairs, counter tops, telephones, key card, computers etc. with bleach or alcohol-based (70%) sanitizers.
  17. Adequate, spacious and COVID-19 friendly washrooms must be provided.


Onboard Of Cruise Boat (e.g. Dodi Princess)

  1. Wearing of face masks must be obligatory
  2. Guests’ temperature must be checked before embarking
  3. Boats must operate with 50% of its current carrying capacity
  4. Regular disinfection of surfaces and touch points. Where use of bleach is not suitable, then alcohol based sanitisers (70%) should be used
  5. Disposable cutlery must be encouraged
  6. Guests must be encouraged to use disposable towels, cutlery and tableware on-board.
  7. Physical distancing must be maintained while onboard the boat.
  8. First-aid and safety kits and adequate personal protective equipment must be provided.
  9. Ordering food on-board is from a set menu


Precautionary Measures When A Positive Covid-19 Is Onboard A Cruise Boat

  1. One cabin must be allocated onboard all boats for quarantine.
  2. If any guest or staff onboard shows any symptoms of COVID-19, they should inform the boat crew and isolate themselves in the designated quarantine cabin immediately.
  3. Use of air-conditioner inside the boat cabin must be minimised in order to allow fresh air to circulate regularly.


Nature/Game Park

  1. Display of “No Mask No Entry” signage to ensure mandatory wearing of face mask before entry and at all times
  2. Provision of adequate hand-washing apparatus (veronica buckets, soap together with tissues and stand-alone sanitizer dispensers)
  3. Mandatory checking of temperature of both employees and guests before entry.
  4. Contact details of all guests must be taken.
  5. Operating at 50% of the total capacity, maintain daily disinfection of the vehicles used and all touch points, providing personal protection equipment to guests and staff
  6. Organised trips must be pre-notified to tourist sites and museums management, at least 48 hours prior to the planned visit.
  7. Only canned drinks and packed meals must be encouraged


Tourist Commodities Shop

  1. Display of “No Mask No Entry” signage to ensure the mandatory wearing of face mask before entry and at all times
  2. Provision of adequate hand-washing apparatus (veronica buckets, soap together with tissues and stand-alone sanitizer dispensers
  3. Mandatory checking of the temperature of both employees and visitors before entry.
  4. Contact details of all guests shall be taken.
  5. Disinfect all surfaces, vehicles and rooms e.g. tent rooms, floors, doorknobs (vehicles and rooms), toilets, tables, chairs, countertops, computers etc. with bleach or alcohol-based (70%) sanitizers daily.
  6. Floor signs must be placed to maintain physical distancing
  7. Signs instructing clients not to touch the exhibits must be displayed in the shop
  8. Use of POS devices or digital payments mode (e.g. MOMO, Vodafone cash etc.) must be encouraged if possible.


Regulations For Visiting Museums

  1. Display of “No Mask No Entry” signage to ensure mandatory wearing of face mask before entry and at all times
  2. Provision of adequate hand-washing apparatus (veronica buckets, soap together with tissues and stand-alone sanitizer dispensers)
  3. Mandatory checking of temperature of both employees and visitors before entry.
  4. Contact details of all guests shall be taken.
  5. Disinfect all surfaces e.g. floors, door knobs, toilets, tables, chairs, counter tops, computers etc. with bleach or alcohol-based (70%) sanitizers daily.
  6. Museums and Sites must operate with 50% of current carrying capacity
  7. Floor signs must be placed to maintain physical distancing
  8. Site guides/guards are obliged to wear face masks at all times and if possible use wireless microphones inside museums.
  9. Use of POS devices or electronic payments mode (e.g. MOMO, Vodafone cash etc.) must be encouraged if possible
  10. Organised tour trips must be pre-notified to tourist sites and museums management, at least 48 hours prior to the planned visit.





All Travel Agencies dealing with ticketing should strictly observe all the enhanced hygiene measures and safety protocols which includes:

  1. No masks, no entry.
  2. Provision of hand washing apparatus (soap and running water with tissue).
  3. Provision of alcohol based and sanitizers (70%).
  4. Adequate spacing of minimum of 1 metre for guests.
  5. Use of POS devices or electronic payments mode must be encouraged if possible (e.g. MOMO, Vodafone cash etc.)



Car rentals operators should strictly observe the enhanced hygiene measures and protocols which shall including:

  1. “No face masks No boarding”.
  2. Operating with a maximum of 50% carrying capacity, leaving a vacant seat next to each passenger on a bus and with a maximum of two (2) in a limousine and other rented vehicles
  3. Passengers must not be allowed to sit in the front seats of limousines and other vehicles
  4. Provision of alcohol based hand sanitizers (70%) in each vehicle.
  5. Provision of hand washing apparatus (soap and running water with tissue) at offices of operators.
  6. Vehicles must be disinfected regularly including handles, seats and dashboards and proper ventilation shall be carried out before and after each trip
  7. Drivers and passengers must wear face masks at all times.
  8. Operators must observe physical contact protocols by ensuring adequate space for passengers.
  9. Use of POS devices or digital payments mode (e.g. MOMO, Vodafone cash etc.) must be encouraged if possible.




Events shall be managed by accredited agencies and personnel only.



  1. Face to Face Marketing Activities can take place with audiences up to 20.
  2. Floats and other such activities that will attract large gatherings are suspended.
  3. There would be a gradual roll-out of these events to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19



  1. Venue Capacity and Audience Size

Venues must operate at 50% of capacity to ensure social distancing rule of 1metre is adhered to.

  1. Planning and Set Up:
  2. Health and safety officer must be appointed for every event to ensure that the health and social distancing protocols are strictly followed.
  3. Hands should be washed and sanitized before and after set up.
  4. Face masks should be worn at all times during set up.
  5. Disinfecting of venues before set up. The association must agree with the relevant

authorities on general standards and accredited companies to offer these services.


Main Event:


  1. Mandatory checking of temperature with infrared thermometer before entry.
  2. Display of “NO MASK, NO ENTRY” signage. Event agencies must have on hand gloves and Face masks to ensure full compliance.
  3. Sanitization stations (Hand washing and Sanitizers) should be provided; guests should sanitize hands before entry.
  4. Sanitizing stations should be further placed at vantage points around the venue.
  5. Availability of tissue and waste disposal bins placed at vantage points.
  6. Guests’ attendance should be by Invitation only and contact details and residential addresses should be taken for contact tracing.
  7. Ushers are to direct guests to their seats one after the other to ensure physical distancing
  8. Seating should be spaced at least 1 meter apart.
  9. For banquet set up, there should be 4 seats per round table and 3 seats per rectangular table.
  10. Health and Safety announcements should be made intermittently to educate guests on COVID-19 prevention protocols.
  11. Guests should remain in their seats during entertainment and dancing must be done by seats.
  12. Guests should not exit at the same time; ushers should ensure that guests leave one after the other.
  13. Group photography must observe social distancing and must be restricted to only the key players.



  1. Sound System suppliers must provide enough microphones for performances so that multiple artists do not use one microphone.
  2. There should be a dedicated Microphone for the MC only.
  3. There should be an officer in charge of wiping /sanitizing microphones before passing it on to other speakers. As much as possible, enough microphones should be provided.
  4. In a controlled event, organizers should encourage the use of lapel microphones by guest speakers.
  5. The only people permitted to remove face mask is a guest giving a speech or an artist performing.



  1. Buffet food service is not recommended
  2. Food if necessary, should be packaged for take-away only.
  3. If plated service is required, it should be subject to engagements with hotels and catering services in order not to compromise the guidelines.
  4. Water and Beverages are to be served in disposable bottles and cups only.
  5. Guests should remain in their seats during entertainment and dancing must be done by seats.
  6. Dancing – only Celebrants will be allowed to dance on dancefloor whilst still observing physical distancing.
  7. Cutting of cake to be done by couple only.
  8. Throwing of bouquet must be avoided.
  9. All gifts should be in cash, mobile money or gift vouchers as much as possible.
  10. Guests should not exit at the same time; ushers should ensure that guests leave one after the other.
  11. Group photography must observe social distancing and must be restricted to only the key players.



For both corporate and social events, venue management should observe and ensure the

following guidelines:

  1. All venues are to operate at 50% of their capacity.
  2. All venues are to be disinfected before and after events.
  3. Venues and authorities must agree on standard disinfection across board.
  4. Washrooms are to be washed and cleaned every hour.



  1. To ensure that agencies and venue (hotels, convention centers etc.) are on the same page, both parties will have to sign off on the floor plan for the event. The floor plan should be strictly adhered to, and also displayed during the event for proper checks by regulatory bodies, especially security agencies.
  2. The Association is to form a task force to undertake a peer review of members’ work to ensure that they comply with the guidelines.



All Eateries and Open Bars shall operate with the following enhanced social distancing and hygiene measures:

  1. Display of No Masks, No entry sign at the entrance
  2. Display of poster with COVID-19 precautionary measures
  3. Limit the number of guests for seating arrangements to 50% of current carrying capacity of the drinking bar to ensure adequate spacing for seating to maintain social distancing of at least 1 metre (tables must have maximum of two (2) people. Two (2) tables can be combined for a maximum of four (4))
  4. Regular disinfection of surfaces. Where use of bleach is not suitable, then alcohol-based sanitisers (70%) should be used.
  5. Provision of soap and running water and hand sanitisers with paper towel
  6. All Eateries and Bars must set up an electronic payment if possible (e.g. POS device, MOMO account, Vodafone Cash.)
  7. Customers are to pay for their orders via e. g. MOMO account, a POS device, Vodafone Cash with alcohol-based hand sanitizers (70%) to use afterwards if possible.
  8. Drinks must be served by waiters/waitresses wearing face masks
  9. Customers must disinfect their hands when entering and leaving the bar. Hand washing apparatus and/or alcohol-based sanitisers (70%) must be provided at entrance/exit of bar.
  10. Use of disposable cups must be encouraged.
  11. Adequate, spacious and covid-19 friendly washrooms must be provided.


We strongly advise that the “AT RISK GROUP”, i.e the Aged, those with underlying conditions eg. Diabetics and hypertensive patient should limit their participation in these activities and visits.



Further Information:

All inquiries must be directed to the Chief Executive of the Ghana Tourism Authority via or

To report any suspicious behaviour, contact the GTA Call Center-

WhatsApp – 0546352240

Telephone – 0307007100

Cell           – 0579579019