Posted By : Collins/ 3947

The steering committee of the “Year of return, Ghana 2019” has announced a call for event organizers to submit proposals for endorsement and inclusion in the calendar of events to celebrate the year-long campaign.

The “year of Return, Ghana 2019” which is being coordinated by the Ghana Tourism Authority (G.T.A.) in partnership with the Office of Diaspora Affairs (Office of the President), the PANAFEST Foundation and the Adinkra group is under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture.

The “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” is a major landmark spiritual and birth-right journey inviting the Global African family, home and abroad, to mark 400 years of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Jamestown, Virginia. It marked a sordid and sad period, when our kith and kin were forcefully taken away into years of deprivation, humiliation and torture.

Ghana’s leadership in Africa’s quest to be free, united, politically and to be economically independent is well recognised. Ghana is unique and poised as a “Gate of Return” to our ncompatriots in the Diaspora. With the presence of a huge human capital in the Diaspora, government is committed to roll out policies to foster deeper relationship and reintegration with our compatriots to foster development.
In 2019, event organizers will plan cultural, sporting, investment, and youth events, and much more to celebrate “The Year of Return, Ghana 2019.” Some of those events include Back2Africa Festival, Independence day activities, Homecoming and Investment Summit, Right to Return, and Afrochella.

One of the main goals of “Year of Return, 2019” is to position Ghana as a key destination for African Americans and the Diaspora. There is huge opportunity to promote Ghana, Africa and Africa-American cultural insights, entrepreneurship, scientific exploits and leadership through the year-long activities to celebrate and commemorate the “Year of Return”.

In this regard, the Call for Event Submissions for “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” is now open. To have your event to be considered as an official “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” event, please email to receive a proposal form. All proposals will be due by November 30, 2018. Contact Annabelle McKenzie at or +233 024 040 2408 with any questions or concerns.

Thank You

For further information:



GTA Promotes Culture, Heritage and Adventure @ WTM 2018

Posted By : Collins/ 1831

Ghana made a strong representation at the 2018 World Travel Market exhibition in London.The Ghana team was made up of public and private sector operators who combined efforts to ensure Ghana is represented on the global tourism calendar. The Ghana stand for 2018 was a replica of the independence monument with its bold caption of “Freedom and Justice” clearly communicating the environment Ghana has to promote its tourism.



The 2018 edition of World Travel Market (WTM) saw the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) continued focus on investing in innovation and digital advances for a tourism sector that can deliver opportunities for all. This comes at the back of the celebration of World tourism Day under the theme “Tourism and the Digital Transformation” earlier this year.

UNWTO co-hosted a Ministerial Summit and launched a white paper on the relationship between music and tourism at the UK tourism trade fair also. Other African countries were also represented at the fair.


Ghana Carnival 2018 lightened by warmth and colour

Posted By : Collins/ 3036

The Ghana Carnival 2018 event took place on Saturday November 3 with scores of flamboyantly costumed paraders, masked reveller and a caravan of dancing troupes flooding the streets of Accra. Starting from the Obra Spot at Kwame Nkrumah Circle, through Adabraka to James Town’s Mantse Agbonaa, and on to the National Lotteries Authority on the High Street, before converging at its finishing point on Oxford Street, Osu.


Residents, shoppers and by-standers, many of whom could not resist the urge to join the cavalcade, were stunned by the uncommon kaleidoscope of bright colours, the outlandish parade gear, and the wild costume of the paraders – all of which were designed and crafted from local Ghanaian fabric and drapery.

No less than 20 carnival queens commanded the float which drifted along the entire stretch of the route with ball-jugglers, dancers, acrobats and party roisterers having a field day with musical accompaniment from a mix of cultural troupe music, brass band music and DJ sounds.

The colourful Mardi Gras was the fourth edition of the national carnival event and was organised by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture under the theme “Ghana Carnival 2018 – Using Arts and culture to promote the Economy” and was sponsored by Ghana Tourism Authority, the National Lotteries Authority, the GCB Bank, Ghana Airport Company, Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the Daily Graphic.

Ministry of Tourism sources say the principal objective for rolling out this year’s edition of the Ghana Carnival is to use the event “to diversify the country’s tourism and creative arts sectors by highlighting its cultural relevance and building a linkage between the creative arts and other sectors of the economy. It is the Ministry’s hope that in full maturity, the Ghana Carnival could become an avenue for creating employment and income opportunities for Ghanaians.


“I don’t see the cotton candies, the truffles and the bonbons yet, but I see the most important ingredients of a good carnival – the excitement and radiance brought by ingenious and creative parade gear, the colourful costume, the dancers, the jugglers, the acrobats, excellent musical accompaniment and above all an enthusiastic and responsive public,” said a visiting Trinidadian who chanced on the parade at Osu Oxford Street.

Although relatively new in Ghana, Carnivals of this nature date way back to the 13th Century in the Caribbean where they have become a major component of their tourism industry. Trinidad and Tobago is highly celebrated as the originator of the modern day carnival since the 18th century, having infused the parade with a lot of native culture, spectacle and traditions.

“Clearly, the future looks very bright for the Ghana Carnival,” suggested an authoritative source close to the organisers at the end of the parade adding that this being only the fourth attempt and considering that the edition was plagued with low sponsorship, the general patronage and public response are impressive and commendable.

“We very strongly believe that early or immediate preparations for Ghana Carnival 2019 and a more progressive response from Corporate Ghana will transform this social platform into one of our country’s most anticipated national calendar events,” the source said.

Besides being veritable tourism attractions, popular carnivals have evolved into powerful marketing tools for many corporate and social marketing entities who take advantage of the massive opportunities for brand exposure and visibility and also for point-of-sale activations.

The next edition, Ghana Carnival 2019, scheduled to take place just about the same time of the year is tipped to be big and exceptional because it has already been listed by the Tourism Ministry as one of the main items on the “Year of Return – Ghana 2019” celebration.

Soucre: pulse ghana

GTA Presents Equipment To GHATOF

Posted By : Collins/ 1358

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has presented office equipments to the Ghana Tourism Federation (GHATOF) the umbrella body for tourism private sector operators

The official presentation ceremony was done on 24th October, 2018 at notes by the CEO of the Authority, Mr. Akwasi Agyeman with the support of the Deputy CEO (Operations), Mr. Ekow Sampson and Deputy CEO (Finance and Administration) Mr. Isaac Adomako Mensah. This is part of the Public Private Partnership initiative of the Authority.

The CEO of the GTA advised that the items be used for its intended purposes. This will obviously go a long way to support the operations of GHATOF effectively and efficiently.
The President of GHATOF, Madam Bella Ahu expressed a heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the GTA for such a laudable gesture at the time that GHATOF needed office logistics to aid in their administrative duties among other things towards the development of the private sector. She noted that this and many others will help GHATOF meet its set objectives.


GTA Holds Stakeholder Sensitisation On New Tourism Regulations

Posted By : Collins/ 1071

Ghana Tourism Authority has engaged Hospitality Industry Practitioners as part of an ongoing industry training programmes to introduce practitioners to new Regulations for the Hospitality Sector.

The Authority engaged practitioners from Volta, Eastern, Western, Central, Brong-Ahafo and Ashanti regions. As part of the interactions, Practitioners were exposed to Health and Safety Practices, Food and Beverage Services, Role of General Manager, amongst others.

Practitioners were also encouraged to embark on continuous development on the skills and competences of their staff. The Ghana Tourism Authority pledged to have regular engagements with practitioners by providing them with extension services which will impact positively on service delivery and improve visitor experience.


Ministry of Tourism Launches “See Ghana” Magazine

Posted By : Collins/ 1457

The Ministry of Tourism Arts and Culture, GTA partners Glitz Africa have launched “SEE GHANA ” magazine.

Inspired by the untold stories and forgotten places, the new magazine – SEE GHANA has been born. The publication of this magazine which has been made possible through a strong private sector partnership with Glitz Africa magazine, underscoring the importance the Ministry and GTA are place on efforts at marketing Ghana first to Ghanaians and then internationally.

The Quarterly magazine was outdoored at a short ceremony at the Kempinski Gold Coast hotel in Accra. Sponsorship opportunities for AFRIMA (Africa Music Awards) to be hosted in Ghana in November 2018 was also announced at the launch.


Posted By : Collins/ 1651

New Ningo 17th September 2018 – Evolvin’ Women has launched a 15-month training programme as a follow-up to its MOU signed with GTA in June. The programme will provide 15 women from Ghana with access to vocational training, international work experience for 12 months within the hospitality industry in Dubai in view of securing a job on their return home at the end of the programme.


Thanks to the support received by the Ghana Tourism Authority, Evolvin’ Women received over 100 applications. After over 60 interviews within 2 weeks, the team of assessors shortlisted 15 unemployed ambitious women who are determined to build a brighter future in hospitality for themselves, their families and communities despite the challenges they have faced growing up.

Participants who started the Pop Up Academy last Monday, have already undertaken intense training where they have set personal and community goals to achieve during the programme. Goals include setting up a restaurant that employs youth, bringing new high standards to the industry and investing the skills learned in training other women in rural areas. During the first 5 days, participants have also prepared for interviews through role-plays and exercises, they listened to speakers from the industry, attended webinars and started training with affiliated online platforms. Over the next two months we are going to assist the group in connecting with our hotel partners in the UAE that will employ them for a 12-month placement. The aim of the programme is for participants to gain international experience, learn the high hospitality standards offered in Dubai and prepare to find employment in their home country thus enabling them to become financially independent.


Assia Riccio, Founder of Evolvin’ Women said: “The profiles are exceptional. The motivation and the desire to give back to their community are overwhelming. We are extremely proud to be able to partner with Ghana Tourism Authorithy in what we believe is going to be a game changer programme for the hospitality industry in Ghana and for hoteliers who can recruit highly skilled women. Furthermore, the knowledge acquired during the programme will be invested in training the community and will generate social impact by creating sustainable tourism practices in rural areas”.

Akwasi Agyeman, said: “We have identified Capacity building as a key need in the industry. In addition to ongoing industry training, the pop-up academy with evolvin Women presents a unique entry training for the next generation of women entrants to the Industry”

As well as advocating for the advancement of women in the hospitality industry in Ghana, both organisations will collaborate on Capacity Building and Training by bringing Evolvin’ Women to the Ghana market.

For further information on Evolvin’ Women, please contact or visit
For further information on Ghana Tourism Authority, please contact EMAIL or visit or

Ghana Tourism Authority Trains Tour Operators

Posted By : Collins/ 1401

2018 Tour, Site and Coach Guides Training


In her bid to streamline the activities of tour, site and coach guides in order to maintain industry standards while creating a pool of professional to drive tourism, the Ghana Tourism Authority has organised training programmes for operators across the country. The Tour Guides Training Programme  was organised in collaboration with the Tour Guides Association of Ghana (TORGAG).


The country was zoned into 5 groups to afford opportunity to as many people as possible to be trained as follows:

  • Greater Accra/Tema –  ZONE 1, 12TH  -14TH  September,2018
  • Eastern /Volta –  ZONE 2, 3RD   –  5TH  October,2018
  • Cape Coast /Western –    ZONE 3 ,10TH  –  12th   October,2018.
  • Brong Ahafo/Ashanti –   ZONE 4  ,18TH  -20TH  October, 2018
  • Upper West/Upper East/Northern –  ZONE 5, 22ND  – 24TH October, 2018

The training was also to afford the GTA that opportunity to register, train and license Tour Guides as well as discuss related issues for an enhanced industry output.


The course structure for the straining consisted of both theory and practicals where field exercises were undertaken to give participants hands on experience. The Tour took the participants to tourist sites and attractions such as the GMMB Museum and Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum.

Some of the topics treated Include:

  • Tourism in Focus – Current Trends
  • Tour Guiding Today
  • Tourism Enterprises
  • Tour Guide at Work
  • Role, Function and Ethics
  • The Tourism Product
  • Tools of the Tour Guide
  • Transfers and Check –in Procedures
  • Communications, Presentations  and Interpretations
  • Industry Safety and Security
  • Practical Field Procedure
  • Report Writing
  • Classification of Tour Guides
  • Professional Training
  • Application, Licensing and Renewal Procedures


Amongst the course facilitators were seasoned professionals in the industry such as:

  • Mr. Nkunu Akyea, Executive Member, TORGAG
  • Mr. Cosmos Sracooh, Executive Member, TORGAG
  • Mr. Kwaku Passah, Executive Member, TORGAG
  • Dr. Biney, Security Expert

Participants were at the end presented certificates of participation by dignitaries such as Mr. Isaac Adomako- Mensah (Dep Exec Dir./ F&A), GTA, Mr. Kuntaa Dominic Dekumwine (Head of Museums, GMMB) and Josephine Ohene Oseiwho represented the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Cathrine Afeku. Also Gracie the occasion were Mrs. Bella Ahu (GHATOF President and chairperson for the closing ceremony Mr. Awuku Yirenkyi (TORGAG President).


The participants expressed appreciation to the the organisers for making their long cherished dream a reality and promise to use the skills acquired in their various endeavours.

Melania Trump Visit Cape Coast Castle

Posted By : Collins/ 1846 1

Accra, Ghana (CNN)Melania Trump spent her second day in Ghana touring a former slave outpost and learning about some of the country’s tragic past, as part of her first solo trip abroad as first lady.

After receiving ceremonial permission to enter the area, Trump made the brief motorcade drive to Cape Coast Castle, a massive compound on the beach that was built in the mid-1600s. Originally a timber and gold trading outpost, the structure morphed into a “slave castle,” one of about 40 or so similar outposts used by foreigners to trade and purchase slaves, taking them from West Africa and into lives of unwilling servitude.

“This is a very special place,” said Trump, after spending almost an hour taking a tour with the museum’s director, Kwesi Essel-Blankson. “I will never forget the incredible experience and the stories that I heard.”

Trump, who had changed from her heels into flat-soled shoes in order to walk the vast Castle grounds, climbed the stairs of the various levels of the fort, and spent several minutes below ground to see the dungeon, where the slaves were held in tight, dark and dank cells before being traded.

On the wall near the dungeon entrance was a marble plaque that Trump stopped to read: “This plaque was unveiled by President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama of the United States of America on the occasion of their visit to the Cape Coast Castle on the 11th day of July 2009.”

The first lady told the press her own visit to Cape Coast Castle was a memorable experience.

“The dungeons … what happened so many years ago. It’s really a tragedy,” she said.

Trump also walked through the fabled “Door of No Return,” an archway over a small tunnel that led from the main square of the interior castle down to the beach, where large waves crashed upon the shore. This was where the slaves would depart the castle and board slave ships. Trump laid a wreath of white flowers in memory.

Day two in #Ghana was so impactful. My visit to Cape Coast castle was a solemn reminder of a time in our history that should never be forgotten. Thank you to Chief Osabarima Kwesi Atta & the chieftains for the warm welcome & cultural ceremony. #FLOTUSinAfrica2018

— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) October 3, 2018

At the end of her castle visit, Trump signed the guest book, telling the press she wrote, “thank you for your warm welcome. With love, Melania Trump.”

The “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” launched

Posted By : Collins/ 17524 1

The “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” is a major landmark marketing campaign targeting the African – American and Diaspora Market to mark 400 years of the Slave Trade.

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture is leading the project in collaboration with the Office of Diaspora Affairs at the Office of the President, the Panafest Foundation and the Adinkra Group of USA.

The project is also aimed at making Ghana the focus of activities to commemorate the landing of the first enslaved Africans in the English colonies in North America and also to offer huge opportunity to entrench Ghana’s leadership.

Speaking at the launch, Chief Executive Offer (CEO) of GTA Mr. Akwasi Agyeman who also doubles as the coordinator, National Steering Committee of the project said, “The ‘Year of Return, Ghana 2019’ is a year of celebration; we will celebrate the resilience of the African. Like Joseph in the bible who was sold to slavery and later connected to his brothers, there was a celebration and in 2019 there shall be a celebration for Africans in Diaspora.”

Mr. Agyeman made an appeal to Ghanaians in the Diaspora to return and added that, the concept of ‘Year of Return’ would help reaffirm Ghana’s prominence and tag as the beacon of Pan-Africanism.

Patrons who attended the “The Year of Return, Ghana 2019” unveiling were treated with a spectacular rich cultural display at the National Theater over the weekend.

The play, ‘Alkebulan Awakening’ which was performed by the National Theatre of Ghana, portrayed the deep beauty associated with the long-lived repercussions of the Middle Passage and addressed topics of identity, mental liberation and the beautiful African spirit.

